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BBVA USA's Executive Director of Syndicated Finance Origination, Cara Younger, has been honored as one of American Banker's Most Powerful Women in Banking: Next for 2021. This recognition celebrates influential women in banking under 40. Younger, with nearly 20 years of experience, has played a pivotal role in significant client acquisitions and has led initiatives in green financing. Her leadership has refined the bank's underwriting policies and enhanced their responsiveness to clients' needs, contributing to both client satisfaction and sustainable financing goals.
BBVA USA reported a net income of $385 million for Q1 2021, an increase from $334 million in Q4 2020, and a significant recovery from a $2.2 billion loss in Q1 2020. Total revenues reached $968 million, slightly down from the previous quarter but up 7% year-over-year. Net interest income was $664 million, with a margin of 2.83%. Deposit growth accelerated, totaling $86 billion, a 11% increase YoY. Despite a 9% decline in total loans to $64.3 billion, the bank maintains strong liquidity and capital positions, with a CET1 ratio of 14.23%.
According to BBVA Research, March 2021 saw a significant drop in unemployment to 6%, despite ongoing high rates. Nonfarm payrolls increased by 916,000, the largest rise since August 2020, primarily driven by sectors like leisure, hospitality, and healthcare. Adjustments to prior months added an additional 156,000 jobs. The research underscores that while March's figures are promising, the labor market remains below pre-pandemic levels. Full recovery is anticipated, but it may take several more quarters.
On April 5, 2021, BBVA USA hosted its third annual Financial Education Forum to discuss the state of financial health in the U.S., highlighting trends reported in the Financial Health Pulse 2020. The event featured nonprofit leaders and experts who pointed out improvements in financial health but noted ongoing disparities affecting Black Americans, women, and low-income individuals due to the COVID-19 crisis. Additionally, BBVA released its 2020 Impact Report, demonstrating the effectiveness of its financial education initiatives.
BBVA Research's latest analysis reveals a positive trend in the U.S. labor market as nonfarm payrolls increased by 379,000 in February. This growth was especially notable in leisure and hospitality, though this sector still lags 3.5 million jobs behind last year. Despite a stable participation rate of 61.4%, the employment-to-population ratio only slightly rose to 57.6%, remaining below pre-pandemic levels. The report emphasizes the need for continued fiscal and monetary support to sustain economic recovery.
BBVA USA has launched its third Business Resource Group (BRG) aimed at supporting Black and African-American employees. This initiative was unveiled during a panel discussion titled 'Conversations in Diversity: Black Voices,' moderated by Rosilyn Houston, Chief Talent & Culture Executive. CEO Javier Rodríguez Soler emphasized the importance of creating an inclusive environment, especially during challenging times. The new BRG follows the establishment of the LGBTQ BRG and reflects BBVA's commitment to diversity and inclusion within the workplace.
BBVA Research's latest economic analysis shows that the U.S. economy expanded in Q4 2020, with real GDP increasing by 4%, though significantly lower than the 33.4% surge in Q3. This growth was fueled by strong private investment in residential and equipment sectors, reflecting improved business expectations. The report highlights effective fiscal support during the pandemic, contrasting with the Global Financial Crisis. The analysis suggests that with proper management, the U.S. economy could achieve long-term sustainability.
What is the current stock price of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. (BBVA)?